
Yes, make sure the project team is looking at the current set of Drawings. Kind of fundamental, don’t you think? Quicx advances the cause by providing digital access to construction drawings by team members. That, however, is just the start.

  • Revisions
    Because sometimes pulling up old Drawings is the objective. Quicx lets you maintain an archive of initial and current Drawings.
  • Cross Referenced
    Tag Drawings uploaded into Quicx for easy filtering by discipline and area of work within a facility.

    Furthermore, link Drawings when entering or responding to Changes, RFIs, Submittals, or any related item or activity – all without creating a duplicate Drawing (perhaps the real reason why this mess of looking at old Drawings happens at all)!

  • Permission based
    Quicx lets you control which team members can see Drawings AND which team members can upload Drawings.

How much knowledge loss occurs over the course of a project?

“I think Bob confirmed that before he moved to the other project.”

“We are still waiting for the Design-Build team to update the files.”

Construction Management Software Done Differently

Does project success seem tied to the teams’ collective ability to manage high volumes of email?

“Did you send me that email?”

“Our network is getting crushed with these huge attachments.”

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