
Construction Specifications include more details than what could possibly be put into a drawing. Never before has “a picture says a thousand words” been more evident. Quicx makes it easier to manage the massive number of spec pages – including revisions – associated with a project.

Quicx Document Management lets you take your Specifications out of nested file folders stored somewhere and make those Specifications available online to share with project team members.

On larger projects, Specifications are broken down by Discipline – and Quicx Database Management provides tools for filtering and linking those Specifications to your RFIs, Submittals, Changes, and Drawings.

Construction Specifications management with data

Last but not least, Quicx Reporting compiles a report of Specifications by Section all at the push of a button.

Construction Specifications Sections Report

How much knowledge loss occurs over the course of a project?

“I think Bob confirmed that before he moved to the other project.”

“We are still waiting for the Design-Build team to update the files.”

Construction Management Software Done Differently

Does project success seem tied to the teams’ collective ability to manage high volumes of email?

“Did you send me that email?”

“Our network is getting crushed with these huge attachments.”

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